Please note. . .

Don't Be Silent DC has been inactive since March 2008 and has not been accepting entries since. If you are in the DC area and have a harassment story to share, please go to HollaBack DC. If you are outside the DC area and want to submit your story, go to Stop Street Harassment. Thank you.

As of 3/1/08, I will no longer be working on this blog. Please read this post for more details.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Pricks and Porno Cards

Someone on Feministing brought up the "Porno Cards," which says "Hey, wanna get laid?" on the front (with a silhouette of a woman on the front) and lists ways for men to stop harassing women. I printed a few of these out at work and was going to hand these out if fools tried to talk to me on the streets.

Heading towards Dupont Circle Station some clunky-looking clown in a wifebeater was unloading a truck in front of CVS.

"Hey, baby...c'meer, c'meer," dude says, while trying to grab for me. Dude, I don't know you! I put my hand up to gesture "don't touch me."

"Oh, my bad," he says. I pull one of the porno cards out of my purse and hand it to him. He only sees the side that says "Wanna get laid?"

"Ooh, thank you, thank you!" he says, flattered.
"Dude, turn it around," I said. "You are a street harasser! Good day."

Unfortunately he was fixated on the front of the card. Damn. I guess that method doesn't work because these street harassing idiots are too single-minded.

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